• Book Review Meditations at Midnight by Gary Jansen

    Meditations at Midnight by Gary Jansen is a captivating exploration of spirituality and self-discovery, delving into the profound moments that emerge in the stillness of night. Jansen weaves together personal anecdotes, mystical insights, and timeless wisdom to create a book that resonates deeply with seekers of inner peace. At its core, Meditations at Midnight invites readers to embrace the quiet moments of darkness as opportunities for reflection and transformation. Jansen skillfully intertwines his own experiences with spiritual teachings from various traditions, offering a holistic perspective on navigating life’s challenges and finding meaning in the midst of chaos. What I found…

  • Holy Week Monday

    The echo of cheers still hangs in the air, a fading memory from yesterday’s celebration. Palm fronds, once vibrant symbols of hope, now lie scattered on the dusty ground, their green already tinged with brown. We walk beside Jesus, a…

  • Embracing the Journey.

    The weight of knowledge, the burden of responsibility, the ever-present hum of doubt. These are just some of the feelings that may accompany your journey as a theological student, or even in other institutions where deep reflection and purpose-driven pursuits…

  • A Reflection on Wetlands: From Genesis to Today.

    As we celebrate World Wetlands Day, it’s fitting to turn our gaze to scripture, for the Bible paints a vivid picture of these life-giving landscapes. In the very first book, Genesis, we encounter the Spirit of God hovering over the…

  • 1st Sunday of Advent Reflection

    As we gather together in this season of Advent, we dive into the words of Jesus from the Gospel of Mark, chapter 13, verses 24-37. 24 “At that time, after the anguish of those days, the sun will be darkened, the…

  • Book review – The Rest of God

    “The Rest of God: Restoring Your Soul by Restoring Sabbath” by Mark Buchanan is a profound exploration of the concept of Sabbath and its transformative power. Buchanan weaves together theology, personal anecdotes, and practical insights to guide readers toward a…

  • Book review – Wounded Pastors

    “Wounded Pastors” by Carol Howard Merritt and James Fenimore offers a poignant exploration of the challenges and vulnerabilities that pastors face in their roles. The authors delve into the often overlooked struggles that clergy members encounter, shedding light on the…

  • A Franciscan Reflection for All Saints Day

    On this blessed All Saints Day, we gather to celebrate the communion of saints, the cloud of witnesses who have gone before us. And the saints among us, striving to live out the beatitudes as we embrace the teachings of…

  • Nurturing Mental Health: The Peace of Psalm 23

    Mental health is a precious gift that deserves our care and attention. In the midst of life’s challenges, we often find solace in the words of Psalm 23:1-3. This blog post explores the significance of these verses and offers practical…